Paper Submissions
IGSC 2021 invites authors to submit full papers representing original, unpublished, work in all areas of sustainable computing and/or computational sustainability. The submission must not have been previously publish and must not be concurrently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee on their originality, technical soundness, significance, presentation, and interest to the conference attendees. . Please see the Call for Papers for more details.
NOTE: Instructions for submission to IGSC Workshops or Student Forum will be made available separately by Early July.
Paper Submissions to IGSC Main Conference
IGSC 2021 uses the journal-integrated conference papers approach in which all papers that are (1) accepted in, (2) registered for, and (3) presented at the main IGSC conference will be published in the Elsevier Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM) Journal as journal papers.
Papers should be submitted in the Elsevier SUSCOM journal format and at the SUSCOM manuscript handling system (Editorial Manager (EM))--see link below for submissions. Once you are at SUSCOM website:
1. Click on "Submit Your Paper"
2. See "Instructions for Authors" tab for detailed information on manuscript preparation
3. If you do not have an account on Elsevier EM, click on "Register Now" to create an account
4. Login
5. IMPORTANT: During the submission process, please choose "IGSC21 Journal-Integrated Issue" as type of paper
6. In case of problems/issues, Click on "Contact Editorial Office" for assistance
Papers should be submitted in single-blind format, the same as a journal submission to SUSCOM. IGSC allows submissions of up to 17 pages per paper (in Elsevier EM double-column format - equivalent to approx. 9-10 pages of IEEE format) with no extra page charges (including figures, tables, references, etc). Optionally, up to 3 extra pages, for a total of 20 pages (in Elsevier EM format), may be submitted at the cost of $100 per extra page. All extra pages, beyond 17 pages, must be included in the initial submission to IGSC and may not be added after the review process (i.e., no un-reviewed extra pages are allowed). The extra page fees will be charged and paid at the time of conference registration.
For your convenience a sample (to adapt to SUSCOM) Elsevier EM format Microsoft Word template is included at "IGSC Sample Template". Instructions for preparing manuscripts in LaTex are at "LaTex Instructions".
Publication requirements: Please note that each accepted paper (regardless of shared authorship), at any category, requires a conference registration at full (non-student or not-discounted) rate, plus a requirement of live presentation of the paper at the conference.