Call for Workshops
Researchers in sustainable computing and/or computational sustainability are invited to submit proposals for Workshops in IGSC 2021, to be held October 18, 2021 as part of the IGSC Live Virtual Conference.
Aim and Scope
In conjunction with the regular IGSC conference program, the aim of these extracurricular workshop sessions is to provide specialized forums for the discussion of complementary, novel, or timely perspectives in sustainable computing or computational sustainability. The workshops are intended to introduce and discuss new R&D problems, cover specialized topics, or address trends in the technical domains that are of interest to the conference participants. Topics that introduce new directions and paradigms relevant to the IGSC community are highly encouraged. The workshop organizers/leaders may also be speakers in their respective sessions.
Workshops are envisioned to provide in-depth discussions for likeminded researchers interested in specific topics. They are often composed of several sessions in a half- or full-day setting and may be composed of a combination of keynote, invited, and peer-reviewed presentations.
Workshop participants will be able to publish their papers (maximum 8 pages in length (IEEE style) for each paper) in the Proceedings of the IGSC Workshops, which will be published in IEEE Xplore.
It is the responsibility of the workshop organizers to ensure that the final manuscript submission deadline is met and that all the camera-ready manuscripts from their respective workshops are technically sound and meet the quality standards of IGSC. The IGSC Workshops Co-Chairs may decline the publication of the final manuscripts in the IGSC Workshops Proceedings if the above responsibilities are not fulfilled.
How to submit a workshop proposal
Proposals must be sent via e-mail (either pdf or MS Word) to one of the IGSC Workshops Co-Chairs, Sai Manoj (spudukot@gmu.edu) or Ishan Thakkar (igthakkar@uky.edu). All proposals will be evaluated in terms of their novelty, quality, and technical/scientific contribution. Proposals strengthening and/or extending the conference program in new directions beyond the regular conference tracks will be prioritized. The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse proposals in the event of logistic constraints. Proposals should include:
Type, title , and length (half- or full-day) of the workshop
Rationale/motivation for the workshop, highlighting (i) the novelty or timeliness of the topic and/or its multidisciplinary flavor, (ii) how it complements/extends the scope of the conference, and (iii) a list of topics to be covered by the workshop
Short biography of the organizer(s)
List or description of potential contributors and their affiliations
Important Dates
Workshop proposals due: June 21, 2021
Acceptance notification: June 30, 2021
Camera-ready submission deadline for workshop papers: September 1, 2021
IGSC Workshop Manuscript Management Policies
Workshop organizers are expected to set up and manage their workshop website and use the EasyChair platform for submission, review, and management of their workshop papers. Submitted manuscripts may not exceed a total of 8 single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style – see templates below), including figures, tables, references, etc. See IEEE conference style templates for details (Zip file downloads):
LaTex Package (ZIP)
Word Template (ZIP)
Special Note
IGSC will provide one complimentary conference registration per workshop to support either a workshop organizer or a speaker (e.g., keynote). Other workshop participants with a paper in the proceedings are required to register for the conference at full (non-student) rate while invited participants or speakers without a paper are required to register for the conference at the participant rate.