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(Formerly known as International Green Computing Conference (IGCC))

October 18--21, 2021

IGSC 2021 (The 12th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference) provides a forum for presenting and discussing innovative research on a broad range of topics in the fields of sustainable and energy-efficient computing and computing for a more sustainable planet. The conference consists of technical papers, panels, workshops, PhD Forum, and special sessions on these topics. More details on topics of interest are provided in call for papers (see tabs at the top).
Due to persistent uncertainties caused by the COVID pandemic, IGSC 2021 will be held as a Live, Video Streaming Virtual Conference
Journal-integrated Publication Model: IGSC uses a journal-integrated publication model, where all papers accepted in the main conference will be published in the Elsevier journal Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM)--impact factor 4.028--as journal papers.
Critical Dates

Conference Paper submission Final Extended Deadline: June 21, 2021
Deadline for submitting Workshop and Special Session proposals: June 21, 2021
Deadline for submitting to the Student Research Forum: See Research Forum Page
Notifications to authors: September 03, 2021

October 18 - 21, 2021, A Live Virtual Conference
THE 12th international GREEN
and sustainable computing CONFERENCE
Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society & TC Parallel Processing
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