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THE 9th international GREEN

 and sustainable computing CONFERENCE

Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society & STC Sustainable Computing
October 22-24, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, US
Computational Methods and Challenges for Enabling a Renewable Power Grid
Organizer: Adam Hahn, Washington State University


Preliminary Participants:

  • Shrirang Abhyankar  (Argonne National Laboratory) -   HELICS: An open-source transmission-distribution-communication co-simulation platform to assess impacts of large penetration of distributed energy resources

  • Martin  Burns, (National Institute of Standards and Technology) -    Transactive energy challenges and simulation-based abstract components models

  • Srinivas Katipamula (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) -   Increasing building energy efficiency through market based transactive control

  • Katrina Kelly (University of Pittsburg) -  IoT and Sustainability: Using data to quantify and define Community Resilience


Advances in Data Center Energy Optimization
Organizer: Timothy M. Hansen, South Dakota State University


Pliminary Participants:

  • Berk Celik, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM), “DATAZERO”

  • Jie Li, Clarkson University, “Coordinated Operation and Planning of Data Centers as Microgrid”

  • Timothy M. Hansen, South Dakota State University, “Electricity Market Opportunities for Data Center Virtual Power Plants”


Power-efficient, Optimal and Robust Multi-core Compute Platforms
Organizers: Prabhat Mishra, University of Florida and Sujay Deb, Indraprastha Institute of Technology
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Scope: Many-core processing platforms are gaining significant interest for a wide range of applications, viz., Internet of Things (IoT), consumer electronics, single-chip cloud computers, supercomputers, defense applications etc. With billions of physical devices interconnected to each other communicating continuously, huge amount of data is expected to be transferred, stored, analyzed and computed. Data centers and servers involved are equipped with many-core processing units which analyze the data, perform arithmetic and logical operations on them, and take decisions based on the results for multiple applications. Since the applications are quite diverse, the demand on compute platform will vary significantly. As it is not feasible to have customized solutions for all different applications, a platform that can be easily modified to suit particular application demands along with optimal power efficiency and robust hardware will be highly desirable. A platform based solution that is optimal, reliable and power-aware to sustain and provide scalability to this trend is proposed in this special session.

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