The 2018 International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference
will be held at
Pittsburgh Marriott City Center
112 Washington Place
Pittsburg, PA 15219, USA
IGSC is pleased to offer it's attendees a discounted rate of 156.00 USD/night with free wifi access at Marriott, Pittsburgh Marriott City Center during Oct 21-25, 2018 period. The discounted rate is offered on an availability basis until the cutoff date of Oct 7, 2018. Two options are available for taking advantage of this offer:
Book your reservations at this link.
Book your reservations by calling Marriott at 1-888-645-3553 and mentioning "International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference" for the discounted rate.
For directions and more information on the hotel, please visit the hotel website at Marriott, Pittsburgh Marriott City Center.
In case of questions or problems, please contact shirazi at wsu dot edu.