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Student Support

With expected support from National Science Foundation (NSF), IGSC will provide 12-15 student registration stipends (see Register page for details) for attending and participating in IGSC.  


Graduate students (both MS and PhD) who are studying in a U.S.A. institution of higher education are eligible to apply for IGSC student registration support.  The applicants are NOT required to have a paper accepted in IGSC.  However, such applicants must demonstrate that participating in IGSC will enhance and advance their graduate studies.

Application Instructions

Each Application must include:

  • An essay (maximum of two pages) explaining why participation in IGSC will enhance and advance the applicant's graduate studies.  Please include a list of recent publications, if any, including paper(s) submitted/accepted in IGSC 2020, 

  • A recently published paper by the applicant that is relevant to theme of IGSC (conference publication or journal), if any,

  • A letter from the advisor, sanctioning participation in IGSC, and 

  • A copy of your most recent CV.

  • Application Deadline: September 30, 2020.

All the aforementioned requirements should be merged into a single PDF file and submitted to Dr. Mahdi Nikdast ( via email.  For additional information and in case of questions, please contact Dr. Nikdast.


October 19--22, 2020, A Live Virtual Conference

THE Eleventh international GREEN

 and sustainable computing CONFERENCE

     Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society & STC Sustainable Computing
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